Friday, March 4, 2011

Cassette Love 001: Andrew Morgan of People's Potential Unlimited / Earcave Records

For the first installment of the cassette love series, I thought it would only be appropriate to post up Andrew Morgan of PPU/Earcave Records contribution from the Tri-Fire Cassette series he had recently re-issued, complete with audio OUTAKES! This will not only give us a chance to hear some unreleased Boogie rarities, but also remind us of the shitty things that can happen to our cassette tapes!

This project must have been a labor of love for Andrew, as he applied all the modern day science available at his disposal to try and restore those old cassettes and make them available on vinyl for the funk-fiending Boogie DJs! Aaahhh, the memories of repairing cassettes, or finally abandoning the ones that were beyond repair. Here are the two outakes that were beyond repair, and never made it to the series. Listen to the audio and enjoy those crusty memories!

"Here are some unreleased out-takes from the tri-fire cassette series. Unfortunately they were recorded on low bias tape, the ones you used to be able to buy at the dollar store 3 for $1.00.
They just don't hold up over the years as you will hear!" - Andrew Morgan



Whoah, some serious warping on that one!

*********Now if you want to HEAR the Boogie tunes from some old cassettes that were actually saved and deemed worthy of a vinyl pressing, check out the re-issue HERE

Thanks Andrew for coming through!

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